Business Days

Junior Chamber International (JCI) is a leadership development organization. Its members are between 18 and 40 years old: ambitious and open-minded leaders, young entrepreneurs, and successors in family businesses.

The JCI World Congress is held every fall, always in a different city and different country. This year, the event will take place in Zurich! From 14 to 18 November 2023, around 3,500 JCI members from all over the world will meet in Zurich to exchange ideas on business and society, to network, and to further develop their skills and themselves.

The organizers of the World Congress open the Business Days to guests and offer them the opportunity to speak up and enhance the conversations at keynotes and panel discussions, as well as workshops and in the evenings during intercultural networking.

The congress motto Challenge the Present, Create the Future will be explored in depth with a different focus on each Business Day. Please be aware we are still finalizing the program and we'll add more details within the next days.

For JCI World Congress ticket holders, attendance at the Business Days is included. Day guests can purchase tickets for the days of their choice below.


Tradition & Transformation: Pure Swissness

Wednesday 15. Nov 2023

What is the key to Switzerland's success as an island in the heart of Europe? Is it stability and tradition, or is it innovation and business spirit? On Wednesday, we'll try to decipher the riddle.

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Web 3.0: Dive into the decentralized future

Thursday 16. Nov 2023

Web 3.0 promises a more profound transformation of the digital world. With blockchain technology, artificial intelligence and more decentralization, Web 3.0 opens up whole new possibilities. On Thursday, we'll dive into the Swiss ecosystem of Web 3.0.

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Green Economy & Smart Cities: Shaping sustainability

Friday 17. Nov 2023

Climate change, increasing urbanization and rising energy needs require more and more sustainable solutions for living and doing business together. On Friday, we will discuss how we can preserve natural resources and make our cities more efficient, safer and more liveable.

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Arts & Business

Saturday 18. Nov 2023

Art inspires the economy! It encourages communication, breaks rules and challenges routines. It helps us as leaders and entrepreneurs to tackle transformation. On Saturday, artists will give us new perspectives.

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